Retail Facades

Retail Facades

Retail Facades

Our twenty five plus years of retail facades building design, engineering and production has given us great insight virtually every nuanced detail to create a truly brand worthy façade.   We are proactive from day one to support both the aesthetic and performance aspirations of each building façade from concept through commissioning.  Ever changing building technologies and materials requires our team to be vigilant as we produce a stunning and durable facades.

Material Applications

We are a material specialist with a vast portfolio of inventive materials that cross the full spectrum of unique elements for retail façade applications.  Our team of engineers, architects, industrial designers and researchers draw from both traditional façade material technologies and adaptive technologies from aerospace, automotive and composite industries.  These broader spectrum of materials gives architects and brand clients distinctive aesthetic and high performance options that will differentiate their facades from other brands.

Concept Design/Charrettes

Design concepts often times coalesce quickly and if the façade elements are not considered from the beginning the integration of the façade can become complicated.  By engaging at the beginning of the project at approximately the same time as the structural design engineer, we can support a collaborative dialog about how the façade can integrate with the structure and other important design elements.  We are well known for facilitating façade design charrettes with design architects, brand clients, engineers and construction teams.

3D Modeling

Nothing brings clarity to complex façade surface planes like 3D modeling.  We utilize a range of specialized software to capture façade structure, parametric and curvilinear surfaces.  In addition to utilizing static 3D imagery, we can animate complex elements to determine the theoretical movement of the façade during a variety of loads including seismic, self-weight deflections, wind and blast resistance.

Photo Realistic Rendering

Our skilled drafting teams create 3D models during the concept and/or façade charrettes to assist stakeholders understand the spatial, massing and materiality of façade elements.  Beyond the illustrative benefits the larger overall façade renderings can support regulatory approvals, material selections and budget decisions.  We often deploy our photo realistic rendering for recladding projects by offering before and after imagery with a myriad of options.


Finite Engineering

As optimization and technologies overlap our finite engineering capabilities have become even more relevant to validating façade design.  Through hand sketches, computer models and our deep understanding of material sciences we are able to support innovative façade applications while mitigating risk of material failures and diminished performance over time.  With finite engineering taking place during each step of the development of a façade design common pitfalls can be avoided.

Secure Design

With the demand for more secure building environments throughout the world our team of engineers are well versed in providing façade protective design.  We evaluate the façade role in secure design, the ability of the façade material to either absorb or resist security threats and the serviceability of the façade over time.  We are holistic in our approach by studying the individual façade elements and then extrapolating them to the sum of the façade performance based on the designated security level.

Thermal Modeling

Our thermal modeling can foretell the building enclosures long term thermal performance and identify possible areas of concern in advance of final design.  We utilize both advanced software and material sciences to determine the best solution for a thermally consistent building enclosure.  We recognize that thermal performance is one of the most important elements to reduce building energy consumption and increase occupant comfort.

Construction Documents

The genesis of our construction documents begins early on during concept or schematic design.  As the architect’s design evolves our façade details, materiality and integration with other aspects of the building take form.  The building retail façade construction documents are all encompassing with detailed specifications outlining related building elements, performance criteria, materials, installation, operations, maintenance and warranties.

Visual Mockups

A key part of the retail façade aesthetic design is the creation of visual mockups that capture the architect’s visual concept.  It is especially helpful to understand the massing, sightlines, shadows, reflections and opposing material finishes.  We often recommend that the visual mockups have interchangeable materials so the architects can experiment with varying combinations of glass, metal, earthen and composites.

Performance Mockups

The best way to validate the technical design and engineering is to conduct full scale performance mockups in a laboratory setting.  With the use of advanced testing technologies, the test specimen can be subjected to a wide range of exposures and movement including thermal, seismic, wind loads, dynamic water and more.  The mockups test results are further validated by the deconstruction report from the independent laboratory noting if the mockup was constructed in compliance with the approved mockup drawings.

Quantity Surveys | Unit Cost Estimates

Quantity and cost guidance from concept through construction documents supports the value-based design and performance aspects of the building enclosure.  Without properly executed quantity surveys and unit cost estimates the project may be run through the value engineering gauntlet which typically requires comprises that are less than desirable.  Our vast experience in the development of pictorial takeoffs and knowledge of building enclosure materials and system cost in each local market we serve mitigates underestimating quantities and cost overruns.

Façade Access/BMU

When the retail facade is first studied during concept the façade access/BMU should be immediately considered.  Depending on the building massing, materials, environment and building use façade access/BMU strategies need to be developed.  As the building enclosure evolves during the design phase and through construction documents the façade access/BMU must be illustrated in the system drawings as well as the elevations and roof plans.


Once submittal drawings have been approved our seasoned team of production management implements the production methods to ensure that the design intent is carried throughout the production and assembly process.  The façade elements are factory finished and assembled to the greatest extent possible to minimize field fit and finish.  Our stringent quality control standards ensure that the retail façade comes together within tolerances to meet or exceed the branding expectations.


Our Project Managers are well trained in rigging and installation of façade elements worldwide.  During construction planning and during the kickoff of construction we mobilize a Project Manager to work with the client’s designated installer to address equipment requirements, sequence of construction, tolerances, integration with other trades and protection of installed material during construction.